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The Angelus Prayer – Incarnation, the central mystery of the Christian faith

The Angelus Prayer – Introduction :

The Angelus prayer is a centuries-old Catholic devotion that commemorates the mystery of the Incarnation. It is a prayer that invites believers to pause and reflect on the moment when the angel Gabriel announced to the Virgin Mary that she would conceive and bear the Son of God.

Let’s explore the history, significance, and structure of the Angelus prayer, shedding light on its spiritual value and the profound message it conveys. Through the Angelus prayer, believers are invited to deepen their understanding of the Incarnation and cultivate a spirit of contemplation, gratitude, and devotion.

angelus prayer words

History and Origins :

The origins of the Angelus prayer can be traced back to the 13th century. It is believed to have been inspired by the ringing of church bells, which served as a call to prayer three times a day – in the morning, at noon, and in the evening. These bells were a reminder for Christians to pause and turn their thoughts towards God.

Over time, this practice evolved into a specific devotion known as the Angelus. The name “Angelus” is derived from the Latin word for “angel.” The prayer itself is based on the biblical account found in Luke 1:26-38. This desribes the Annunciation. The Angelus prayer invites believers to reflect on this momentous event in salvation history and to join their hearts with Mary’s “yes” to God’s plan.

BVM Angelus

Structure and Recitation:

The Angelus prayer consists of three parts, each beginning with the words “The Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary.” After each proclamation, the response is “And she conceived of the Holy Spirit.” The first part of the prayer reflects on the announcement of the angel Gabriel and Mary’s response. It begins with the words, “The Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary,” followed by the response. This part invites believers to enter into the mystery of the Annunciation. It offers the opportunity to contemplate Mary’s humble acceptance of God’s will. The second part focuses on the Incarnation itself and begins with the words, “Behold the handmaid of the Lord.”

It reflects Mary’s self-emptying and surrender to God’s plan. It acknowledges her as the Mother of God. This part of the prayer invites believers to reflect on the profound mystery of the Word becoming flesh and dwelling among us. The third and final part concludes the prayer with a petition for Mary’s intercession. It begins with the words, “Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God,” followed by the response, “That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.” This part acknowledges Mary’s role as a powerful intercessor and asks for her prayers on our behalf.

Significance and Spiritual Value :

The Angelus prayer holds great significance and spiritual value for believers. It serves as a reminder of the Incarnation, the central mystery of the Christian faith. By reciting the Angelus, believers are invited to reflect on the profound love of God. God created a path for the salvation of mankind from their sins. The prayer also invites believers to imitate Mary’s openness and surrender to God’s will. Mary’s “yes” to the angel Gabriel serves as an example of faith, trust, and obedience.

Through the Angelus, believers are encouraged to model their lives after Mary, embracing God’s plan for them with humility and trust. Moreover, the Angelus prayer fosters a spirit of contemplation and gratitude. It provides a sacred moment of pause in the midst of daily activities. Further, it invites believers to turn their hearts and minds towards God. By reciting the Angelus, believers are encouraged to cultivate a habit of mindfulness. They will recognize God’s presence in their lives and express gratitude for the gift of salvation.

Angelus prayer painting man woman


The Angelus prayer is a cherished devotion that invites believers to reflect on the mystery of the Incarnation and to unite their hearts with Mary’s “yes” to God’s plan. Through its structure and recitation, the Angelus fosters contemplation, gratitude, and devotion.

It serves as a reminder of God’s great love for humanity. It encourages believers to imitate Mary’s faith and surrender. The Angelus prayer continues to be a meaningful practice for Catholics around the world. It invites them to deepen their understanding of the Incarnation and to live lives rooted in faith and obedience.

Author: Harry

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