Thou shalt not commit adultery [Exodus 20:14]

The Sixth Commandment: Refuse Adultery, Fornication, Love Chastity and Marriage

Sixth Commandment: Introduction:

Sixth Commandment, Thou shalt not commit adultery  [Exodus 20:14], looks at the importance of preserving the sanctity of marriage. In this article, we will explore the Sixth Commandment, focusing on the Church’s teachings regarding chastity, marriage, and the promotion of healthy and loving relationships.

Sixth Commandment, Thou shalt not commit adultery  [Exodus 20:14], addresses the importance of preserving the sanctity of marriage.

Chastity: A Virtue of Self-Control:

The Catholic Church teaches that chastity is a virtue that fosters the proper use and expression of human sexuality. Chastity encourages individuals to keep their sexuality harmonious within their overall personality and to respect the dignity of others. It includes the virtue of purity, which calls for the avoidance of any thoughts, desires, or actions contrary to the dignity of oneself or others.

Sixth Commandment – Marriage as a Sacrament:

The Church considers marriage to be a sacred covenant between a man and a woman, established by God. As a sacrament, it mirrors the love and fidelity between Christ and His Church. The Sixth Commandment emphasizes the importance of honoring the sacred ties of marriage, remaining faithful to one’s wife or husband, and working on the best committed and loving relationship.

Sixth Commandment, Thou shalt not commit adultery  [Exodus 20:14], addresses the importance of preserving the sanctity of marriage.

Sixth Commandment: Fidelity and Faithfulness:

Sixth Commandment’s ban against adultery extends to all acts that betray the trust and commitment expected in marriage. Catholics are called to remain faithful to their husband or wife. This is true in both in thought and action. This includes avoiding extramarital affairs, pornography, and any actions that undermines the faithfulness and unity of the marriage covenant.

Respecting the Dignity of Others:

Sixth Commandment not only addresses fidelity within marriage but also emphasizes rejection of any form of sexual exploitation, objectification, or abuse. Catholics are encouraged to cultivate relationships based on love, respect, and self-giving.

Sixth Commandment – Responsible Parenthood and Natural Family Planning:

The Catholic Church upholds the importance of responsible parenthood. This entails lovingly welcoming and raising children within the context of a stable and committed marriage. It encourages the use of Natural Family Planning methods to regulate births, respecting the natural rhythms of a woman’s fertility while remaining open to the gift of life.

Sixth Commandment – Promoting Healthy and Loving Relationships:

The Sixth Commandment invites Catholics to develop relationships that are centered on love, respect, and self-giving. This involves fostering friendships, cultivating virtuous dating relationships, and preparing for a sacramental marriage through proper discernment and formation. It also calls for the rejection of any form of sexual coercion, abuse, or exploitation.


The Sixth Commandment holds a significant place in Catholic moral teaching, guiding believers in their understanding and practice of human sexuality and relationships. By promoting chastity, honoring the sanctity of marriage, and respecting the dignity of others, Catholics are called to cultivate healthy and loving relationships. This includes remaining faithful to one’s spouse, rejecting sexual exploitation, and embracing responsible parenthood. The Sixth Commandment serves as a reminder of the importance of fostering relationships centered on love, respect, and self-giving, ultimately leading to the flourishing of individuals and society as a whole.–

Author: Harry

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